Unlock Your Brand Stories
in the open web

Stories Don't Have to Be
Stuck in Social

Own and Deliver Stories,
Anywhere You Want
Engage customers by adding Stories to your website and app
Increase awareness through display and native Story ads
Engage customers by adding Stories to your website and app

Increase awareness through display and native Story ads
Increased Stories distribution
Achieve reach as big as your media plan vs. 2-5% organic reach to social followers
Ownership and management
Host, own, edit, and improve endlessly vs. siloed creation with a 24-hour limit
Increase Attention & Repurpose Your Investment
Lean on Stories+ to maximize the value of your most compelling social content
¾ of viewers watch 6+ frames
Retention rates on stories are high, with over 75% of viewers sticking around to view 6 or more frames when available
10+ Seconds & 3+ Interactions per view
Full-screen stories drive results on metrics that are highly predictive of consumer consideration, action, and purchase
9.8 Stories per month
This is what the average brand posts on instagram, content that can be seamlessly extended across the open web with Stories+
$0 for production
Repurpose existing assets, pay no extra in content or production costs and replace existing creative costs for mobile marketing
Join the brands creating success with Stories

“We were able to prove the value of adding Stories with optimized creatives to our format mix across the Instagram and Facebook family of apps. Not only were we able to increase our reach and awareness significantly, but we were also able to lower the cost of influenced people! With these insights, we are better able to deliver on our goals.”